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Thinker, Philomath, Autodidact

Provocative, polemical, and unapologetic in his critical outlook, Braidd Unig is a writer on various philosophical topics and societal questions. A lover of wisdom, he has a passion for self-learning and a fervour for skepticism, science, philosophy and curiosity.

Essays, Musings & Book Extracts

The Desire for a Designer

At first glance, everything appears perfect. Perfectly designed, perfectly aligned, perfectly...

Not Everyone Can Have a Legacy

According to the Worldometer website, the human population exceeded 8 billion in 2023 and continues...

Nonuniversal Values

The inherent human inclination to form a collective consciousness, to conform and seek out those who...

Project 2025: A Tragedy for Americans

If Project 2025 were to be implemented by any incoming US president, then that would be, against the...

Not A Christian Country

It’s quite ironic how conservative Americans bang on about American being a Christian country...

On Conscription

I began the recruitment process to join the Royal Navy in 2017, after my time at undergraduate...

America’s Inexperience With Tyranny

America has never truly experienced a tyrannical government before. It’s whole founding was a...

Book Review: How to Be Free by Tom Hodgkinson

If you have found yourself subject to the woes of overcompetitive society, this is a book worth...

Book Review: Hello Laziness, Why Hard Work Doesn’t Pay by Corinne Maier

It’s 2023 as I write this aphoristic review and this book, beautifully subtitled ‘Why...


Books by Braidd Unig