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Braidd Unig

A lover of learning, wisdom, truth, and an author, I explore much of human nature, social philosophy, misanthropy, and philosophical pessimism in my writing. My latest work, Denial of Human Nature, explores the rejection of the innate human condition and the collective consciousness, offering a critical perspective on the self and the human herd.

After completing undergraduate studies in Music (one of my original passions), I attended postgrad studies in Computing at Cardiff University. Despite these formal educational experiences, the importance of self-directed learning and intellectual exploration is a personal cornerstone. Much of what I have absorbed—music, technology, design, philosophy, history, politics, psychology, science, and more—stems from independent study outside academic institutions.

My writing often tackles themes of philosophical pessimism, misanthropy, and realism, aiming to spark thought and curiosity about the world, human nature, and contemporary society. Embracing a syncretic approach, my philosophy rejects extreme and rigid positions, favouring a nuanced understanding shaped by diverse experiences.

2024. Denial of Human Nature (a thought-provoking social philosophy book that explores the pervasive rejection of the intrinsic aspects of human nature and its collective behavior. I delve into the concept that society often denies or suppresses the fundamental nature of the self and the herd, leading to a disconnection from the potential of human authenticity).
2024/5. To Be Announced (currently working on a collection of essays with a conclusion in defense of misanthropy).

Selected Intellectuals of Interest
Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus, Seneca, Gustave Le Bon, Socrates, Bertrand Russell, Diogenes the Cynic, J.S. Mill, Alain de Botton, Arthur Schopenhauer, A.C. Grayling, Michael Shermer, David Hume