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Avoid Conviction and Dogmatic Devotion

Braidd Unig, braiddunig, blog post featured images, philosophy, psychology, mental health, nature, life, thoughts

Devotion and conviction to one particular source is to be avoided as you will make it difficult to change your mind in the face of evidence or new experiences. This is not to be encouraged. A person will do this to find something that which they can feel some sort of arbitrary belonging. Their in-group becomes dogmatically fixated, thus viewing out-groups as inferior, barbaric and to be avoided. This is dangerous, yet human nature has permitted this tendency since the beginning of our social species.

To be self-liberated, one must not obey or devote oneself to a particular label or title that represents a philosophy, group, religion, myth or whatever it may be. Be careful when you label yourself part of something that which you may only have some selected shared principles. It’s okay to take strands from different experiences or schools of thought and put them into your own worldview. This method is preferred since it is nuanced allowing an openness to change, rather than rigid attachment and devotion.