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Denial of Human Nature

Unveiling the Pervasive Influence of Denial on Our Lives

Denial of Human Nature explores the pervasive rejection of the intrinsic aspects of human nature and its collective behavior. Unig delves into the concept that society often denies or suppresses the fundamental nature of the self and the herd, leading to a disconnection from the potential of human authenticity.

In this book, the author explores the uncomfortable realities that most people readily deny. “Denial of Human Nature” peels back the layers of human existence to expose the unseen yet powerful force of denial, challenging you to confront the truths you’ve been avoiding.

Delve into how denial infiltrates every aspect of our lives, shaping perceptions, decisions, and relationships. This eye-opening exploration serves as both a mirror and a guide, helping you recognize your hidden denials.

The author dares you to face these uncomfortable truths and unlock a new level of self-awareness. It is a call to action for those brave enough to acknowledge the shadowy side of their own thinking.

Step into the uncharted territories of your mind and emerge with a deeper understanding of yourself and those around you. Braidd Unig’s debut book, “Denial of Human Nature,” is essential reading for anyone ready to break free from the constraints of denial and live a more authentic, conscious life.

Subjects: Social criticism, social philosophy, popular psychology, denialism, human nature, crowds and herds, philosophy of the self

First Edition Release Date: March 2024