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Nonuniversal Values

The inherent human inclination to form a collective consciousness, to conform and seek out those who share the same perspective, often leads people to believe that their beliefs and values are more widely accepted than they truly are – a phenomenon known as false consensus. This flaw, while common in human cognition, also gives rise to a larger issue. Conflict, on any scale, is inevitable when values, morals, and ideals do not align. The morals and values you uphold may not coincide with those of your neighbours. Yet, you allow your ego to persuade you that your ideals are superior to your adversaries, and one erroneously seeks validation from popular opinion.

The annals of human history provide clear evidence of what our species is capable of inflicting upon each other, other animals, and the health of the planet when conflicts arise due to differing collective consciousness. War, revolution, persecution, ostracisation, bullying, witch-hunting, cancel culture, oppression, authoritarianism, totalitarianism, social rejection, and so forth. All of these consequences stem from something so fundamental – a divergence from conventional, group thinking.

From the book, Denial of Human Nature.