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On Virtues to Maintain

In this deliberation, I have compiled a selection of values that one deems to be most important in life. (‘values’ being a term used synonymously alongside ‘virtues’).

  • Authenticity – To be true to oneself in spite of conformity; unafraid of self-expression.
  • Frugality – To withdraw from excessive spending and waste.
  • Integrity – To uphold honesty, sincerity and truthfulness despite the consequences.
  • Self-Restraint – To consider moderation and self-control above impulses, desires and wants.
  • Calmness – To remain peaceful and stoic; withdrawn from worry.
  • Humility – To be humble and modest without sacrificing assertiveness.
  • Solitude – To be welcoming of one’s own space post-socialisation.
  • Contentedness – To want nothing more than a home, basic monetary reassurance and simple pleasures.
  • Creativity – To freely contribute one’s independent imagination to the arts.
  • Independence – To be responsible and able to conduct matters alone where necessary.
  • Autodidacticism – To educate oneself; the attainment of knowledge through curiousity.