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People Would Rather Believe Their Own Bullshit

Braidd Unig, braiddunig, blog post featured images, philosophy, psychology, mental health, nature, life, thoughts, thinking-boy-black-and-white, loud-sounds-covering-ears-black-and-white

People have a subconscious tendency to believe their own bullshit. That these behaviours and thoughts are correct or just. This is one of the reasons (in my opinion) why people struggle with psychological analysis from a professional.

They are not accustomed to the interrogation of mind that will make them truly vulnerable and exposed to one’s own self, notwithstanding the fear of how others may perceive them once that vulnerability is exposed. It is too scary for them. Withdrawing from their ego is too difficult a task. Knowing that they themselves are not truly perfect, comparison becomes the tool that perpetuates this idea that they should be as perfect as other people.

That view in itself is flawed as perfection is never a reachable pinnacle. It is in human nature to be in denial of the potential flaws and evil inside the self. Instead, comfort, arbitrary reassurance and affirmations is desired rather than honesty, self-reflection and the necessity of personal change.