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Statements & Aphorisms Vol I: Against Humanity

Cynical Apothegms, Philosophical Pessimism, Depressive Realism & Misanthropy

A selection of random and short statements with the exclusion of elaboration. These statements – which will be intermittently updated – often come from thoughts I have to myself regarding various areas of the internal (the mind) and my view of the external (actuality).

  • The human species is too impatient, spiteful and unfair towards people who have limited or low social skills. Because of this, it is clear to me that the majority of the human population are still attached to herd-like and animalistic tendencies.
  • It doesn’t matter how much you try to help people with words, apart from a few exceptions, many will unlikely change or will at least find difficulties in change unless the speaker has some degree of social prestige or a higher placement on a hierarchy that the individual deems subjectively important to them.
  • Argumentum ad populum: A conformist will assert the phrase “wisdom of the crowd” as a positive plea. Wisdom cannot possibly exist in a crowd influenced entirely by the conformity of herd behaviour. It’s a shame how much the average person will put so much trust in a collective opinion without an inch of thought solely because it is popular.
  • A reception, whether positive or negative, mostly depends on the person saying the comment rather than the comment itself.