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The Conforming Pleaser of Crowds

A people-pleaser (or person-pleaser) will make any attempt to satisfy an arbitrary desire espoused by another individual in the hopes of being perceived in a positive way as a return. Driven by insecurity, the person-pleaser will sacrifice the self to be accepted by each person they encounter.

A crowd-pleaser will instead focus on what a larger group of people desire, and less on the individual. In this observation, I am not referring to leaders but conformists within the crowd that is being led. A crowd-pleaser will unlikely have the ability to be a crowd-leader as the leader has fundamental skills that the conformists within the crowd itself lack: a certain understanding of social psychology, the ability to manipulate a crowd for gain and persuasion.

The crowd-pleaser is the worst of both negative scenarios as they will become a bully against anyone deemed the outsider. The largest crowd with the most alike personas in the room is the fuel for the crowd-pleaser. A truly self-interested state of mind – yet, it is sadly a subconscious state. A room full of individuals and the crowd-pleaser will be lost.

This obsession with pleasing, whether attempting to please individual persons or a herd, is rooted in conformity and the innate need for social or cultural acceptance. Both situations (crowd-pleasing vs people-pleasing), as I have said, are negative and driven by selfish intent. However, one is much more detrimental than the other and that is the pleaser of crowds.